Visibility Jam. July 19-21, 2024. See the results.


Clay Murray
Hello, I suspect not to many people read these posts but for those who do you may be wondering where I was. Well it’s been a busy and stressful last few months for my job and then I started playing minecraft and just played that way too much. However, I’m feeling better and I threw my gaming PC out the window now I only have time for making cool stuff again. I think I left Cute Exporter in a pretty good spot before my little hiatus, but it should be receiving some cool features soon. A big one on my list is anchor points. I don’t know if that is the proper term but they will be spots you can place on your assets that are tagged with some value. This will be useful for alignment of your assets or specifying where a part of the asset is each frame in an animation. For instance if you have a character swinging a sword you can mark the hand with a tag in each frame so you can align the sword with the rest of the animation!
I don't know about others, but I read most of the posts on handmade network. But I think the community (at least I) is more interested in posts about development/programming (e.g. how you solved a problem) than user facing updates of your tools. Your tool is more intended for artists and the community here is more about programming.

And there are no notifications on handmade network, the best way to keep up is to use the feed page or the RSS feed.
Your tool is more intended for artists and the community here is more about programming.

I wouldn't say that. I made it so that small teams and devs can have an easier time of managing the art pipeline they have. It's supposed to make a nicer interface between your art and your engine. Most of the features I add are some problem I ran into from integrating assets into my game and managing them. So I do want the tool to be usable by artists but at the end of the day I need it to be useful to programmers to make their pipelines simpler. I should mention it more but there also exists a CLI part of the tool specifically for pipeline integration to export things.
I will keep in mind only posting more technical parts of the tool here though. I sometimes just post the same thing to multiple channels to save myself some time. But this community is more technical so I can get more in depth.
I will keep in mind only posting more technical parts of the tool here though.

Feel free to post anything here, but you'll more likely get more interaction with technical stuff.